About me
Hey, I'm Janno, and I was born in Estonia, Tallinn more than 30 years ago. I've been interested in computers, video gaming and the web since I can remember.
I have also been an Alien fan since 1999, when I first played Aliens vs. Predator Classic on the PC and watched Aliens on VHS.
I made my first Alien website in 2001 but stopped working on it in about 2004 for various reasons.
Since then I have worked as a professional programmer both with a backend and frontend focus.
Now I have decided to get back to it and combine my skills and knowledge as a web developer and Alien enthusiast for this site.
This site is not just a hobby for me—it’s a passion project driven by my love for the rich lore and iconic characters of the Alien and Predator franchises. I have read every Alien and Predator book and comic, played almost every game (missing a few older console ones), and of course, watched and analyzed every movie dozens of times. Whether it's decoding the mysteries of Engineers or spotlighting the latest Predator comics, I aim to create a wiki-style hub that both die-hard fans and newcomers can enjoy. AvP Central is my way of giving back to a community that has been such a big part of my life. In the middle of 2022, AvP Central merged together with Predatorstuff.com, with the aim of focusing more on Predator collectibles. In 2024, I participated in the making of the Aliens Expanded Documentary, being part of an exclusive Advisor Circle.
Contact information
Email: infoavpcentral@gmail.com
LinkedIn: Author's LinkedIn
Facebook: AvP Central Facebook
Aliens, Predator, Aliens Versus Predator, AvP and their associated logos are trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Alien vs. Predator Central is a fansite dedicated to the Alien and Predator series which offers weekly articles relating to the movies, games, and books.
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Links to Alien vs. Predator sites
Alien vs Predator Universe Timeline
Strange Shapes
El Noveno Pasajero
The Alien Encyclopedia
AvP Unknown's Official MSP Site
Sulaco Steel & Plastic
Brick Predator Custom LEGO minifigures