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Individual Predators: Yautja Profiles

In the individual Yautja Profiles category you’ll find detailed articles on individual Predators from the Alien vs. Predator universe. Featured are iconic hunters from the movies such as Greyback and Wolf, and legendary warriors such as Big Mama from the comics. The profiles explore the backgrounds, unique abilities, and famous hunts of these skilled warriors. Each profile delves into their weapons, culture, and code of honor, providing a deeper look into these fierce Yautja.

City Hunter Predator: A Yautja Profile

The City Hunter Predator from Predator 2

The City Hunter, also known as "Ghost," was a Yautja from the Lost Tribe who made his mark during the heatwave and gang wars in Los Angeles in 1997. His hunt led him into confrontations with different drug gangs, the LAPD, and eventually a government task force known as the OWLF.

Jungle Hunter: Profile Of The First Movie Predator

The Jungle Hunter Predator from the first Predator movie

The Jungle Hunter is the first movie Predator introduced in the 1987 film Predator. Known as "El Diablo que hace trofeos de los hombres" ("The demon who makes trophies of men"), this Yautja conducted a hunt in Val Verde during a communist insurgency.

Scout Predator: Profile Of The Lost Hunter

The Scout Predator NECA cover

Scout Predator was one of the many mysterious Predators appearing at the end of Predator 2 as part of the Lost Tribe. Also known as the Lost Hunter, Scout was later revealed to be a long-ranged weapons expert. Here is the full background of the Scout Predator.

Stone Heart Predator: The Brainwashed Bad Blood Yautja

Stone Heart Predator from Predator: Concrete Jungle

Stone Heart Predator was a large Yautja from the Dark Blade Clan, appearing in Predator: Concrete Jungle. Being brainwashed by the Borgia Corporation, he fought his former clan mate, Scarface Predator. Here is the full overview of Stone Heart, including his gear and weapons.

Guardian Predator: Profile Of The "Gort" Yautja

The Ultimate Guardian Predator cover by NECA

The Guardian Predator was a big Yautja with a memorable bio-mask from the Lost Tribe appearing at the end of Predator 2. He was later revealed to be an Elite heavy weapons specialist of the clan, with a military past. Here is the full profile of the Guardian Predator, also known as Gort.

Chopper Predator: The Short-Lived Young Blood

The Chopper Predator from Alien vs. Predator 2004

The Chopper Predator was the third and most insignificant Young Blood Predator from the first Alien vs. Predator movie. He was killed in his first encounter with a Xenomorph and did not become blooded. Here is the full profile of the Chopper Predator, also known as Gill.

Shaman Predator: Profile Of The Yautja Spiritual Leader

The Shaman Predator cover by NECA

Shaman Predator was a distinguished member of the Yautja community who notably stood out among the Lost Tribe at the end of Predator 2. Also known as the "Hippie Predator", this long-dreadlocked Yautja wore a fearsome skull mask and became the spiritual leader of the tribe.

Wolf Predator: Profile For The Yautja "Cleaner"

Wolf Predator examines a bio-mask

Wolf Predator was a fan-favorite Elite Yautja from Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem where he was depicted as a "cleaner" to clear up the mess from the first Alien vs. Predator movie. Here is the full profile for Wolf Predator, including overviews of his weapons and armor.

Cyborg Predators: Every Cybernetically Enhanced Yautja

The Bionic Predator from Predator: Hunting Grounds

In addition to genetic hybridization, the Yautja sometimes enhance themselves with cybernetic technologies, either to replace a limb or to gain new abilities. Here is a list of all known cybernetically enhanced Predators, including the Bionic Predator and the Spiked Tail Predator.

Big Mama Predator: A Female Yautja Profile

Big Mama Predator wearing a bio-mask

Big Mama was the first prominent Female Predator introduced in the expanded Predator lore. Here is the complete overview of the Big Mama Predator, including her complicated relationship with Ash Parnall and the battle against the Hybrid King.

Celtic Predator: Leader Of The Yautja Young Bloods

The Celtic Predator from Alien vs. Predator 2004

The Celtic Predator was the leader of the three Young Blood Predators sent to their initiation hunt in Antarctica in the first Alien vs. Predator movie. Here is the full profile of the Celtic Predator, including overviews of his history, weapons, and armor, and appearances in other media.

Predator Queen: Overview Of The Yautja Matriarch

A statue of the Predator Matriarch

Beyond the fearsome ranks of Yautja warriors, there exists an even more enigmatic figure: the Predator Queen. The Yautja Queen, often shrouded in mystery and seldom glimpsed in popular media, serves as the matriarch of their species.

Greyback Predator: Future And Past Of The Predator 2 Elder

Wolf Predator fights a Xenomorph

Greyback the Elder from the end of Predator 2 was the leader of the Lost Tribe and one of the most established Predators ever. Here is the lore behind the Greyback Predator, including information about his past and future hunts, and his appearance in other media.

Hive Wars Predator: A Yautja Stranded On Xenomorph Prime

The Hive Wars Predator from the Life and Death comic series

The Hive Wars Predator was a legendary Elite Yautja who was stranded alone on Yautja Prime after a disastrous hunt that doomed his clan mates. Here is the full profile of this powerful Yautja, including overviews of his hunting history and weaponry.

Alpha Predator (Kaail): The First Yautja

The Alpha Predator

The Alpha Predator (also known as Kaail) was a legendary Predator who led a rebellion against the insectoid Amengi race thousands of years ago and became the first who can be considered to be Yautja. Here is the full profile of the Alpha Predator.

Feral Predator: A Yautja Profile

The Feral Predator from Prey

The Feral Predator is the latest Yautja introduced in the Predator movies, debuting in Prey. With a different appearance and new gear, this Predator hunted in the Great Plains during the start of the 18th century and came into conflict with French trappers and a Comanche tribe.

Strongest Predators: Most Powerful Yautja Ranked

Dark Predator from Aliens vs. Predator 2010, a powerful Predator

Here we have a list of the strongest and most powerful Predators who stood out from their hunter brothers. These are Predators who had a lot of kills, slayed tough enemies and some of them even survived their hunts. The Predators are taken from the movies, games and comic books.

Lost Tribe Predators: Los Angeles Hunting Party Bios

The Lost Tribe Predators from the end of Predator 2

The Lost Tribe Predators were a clan of Yautja hidden in a spaceship under the sewers of Los Angeles. Here is an overview and ranking of all the Lost Tribe Predators, including available backgrounds from the books, comics, and NECA figure bios.

Hybrid Predators: Yautja Enhanced By DNA Splicing

A Predator Hybrid

In addition to introducing bigger and badder Predators, the Predator franchise is keen on hybridization, with the Yautja species being mixed with either Xenomorph or human DNA. These new types of beasts are often stronger, but also more ridiculous.

Predators Who Lost Limbs: Wounded Yautja Who Fought On

A one-handed wounded Predator

The Predators take a lot of punishment during their hunts - they are able to endure severe wounds, even losing an arm or a leg. Some of these Yautja managed to survive and hunt another day, others fought on for a brief while and died soon after.

Weakest Yautja: Lazy Predators Who Failed Their Hunts

The Primal Predator

Many lists have covered the best and most badass Predators from the franchise. However, there are several Predators who have achieved very little, failed on their hunts and messed up in other ways. This is a list of the biggest Yautja failures, including the likes of Primal Predator, Shesh-Kuk and Shorty.

Predator King: Leader Of The Yautja Race

The Predator King

The Predator King is the mysterious millennia-old Yautja that leads several Predator clans, or perhaps the entire Yautja race. He has constructed a throne out of Xenomorph trophies. Here is a list of all known references of the Predator king, including some great fan art.

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