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Predators From The Comics

In the Predators From the Comics section, you'll discover in-depth profiles on some of the most renowned Yautja hunters featured across various Predator comic series. Here, you'll encounter fearsome warriors like Big Mama, Hive Wars Predator, and the mighty Predator King. Movie Predators like Greyback feature additional backstories detailed in the comics.

Big Mama Predator: A Female Yautja Profile

Big Mama Predator wearing a bio-mask

Big Mama was the first prominent Female Predator introduced in the expanded Predator lore. Here is the complete overview of the Big Mama Predator, including her complicated relationship with Ash Parnall and the battle against the Hybrid King.

Greyback Predator: Future And Past Of The Predator 2 Elder

Wolf Predator fights a Xenomorph

Greyback the Elder from the end of Predator 2 was the leader of the Lost Tribe and one of the most established Predators ever. Here is the lore behind the Greyback Predator, including information about his past and future hunts, and his appearance in other media.

Hive Wars Predator: A Yautja Stranded On Xenomorph Prime

The Hive Wars Predator from the Life and Death comic series

The Hive Wars Predator was a legendary Elite Yautja who was stranded alone on Yautja Prime after a disastrous hunt that doomed his clan mates. Here is the full profile of this powerful Yautja, including overviews of his hunting history and weaponry.

Strongest Predators: Most Powerful Yautja Ranked

Dark Predator from Aliens vs. Predator 2010, a powerful Predator

Here we have a list of the strongest and most powerful Predators who stood out from their hunter brothers. These are Predators who had a lot of kills, slayed tough enemies and some of them even survived their hunts. The Predators are taken from the movies, games and comic books.

Weakest Yautja: Lazy Predators Who Failed Their Hunts

The Primal Predator

Many lists have covered the best and most badass Predators from the franchise. However, there are several Predators who have achieved very little, failed on their hunts and messed up in other ways. This is a list of the biggest Yautja failures, including the likes of Primal Predator, Shesh-Kuk and Shorty.

Underrated Predators: The Yautja With The Most Kills

The South China Sea Predator

The fan-favorite Predators are often the likes of Wolf, Dark, Ahab, Scarface, Dachande and the first Jungle Hunter. However, there are several other lesser known Predators who deserve the spotlight. These are the Yautja that no NECA or Hot Toys figures have been made and probably never will.

Predator King: Leader Of The Yautja Race

The Predator King

The Predator King is the mysterious millennia-old Yautja that leads several Predator clans, or perhaps the entire Yautja race. He has constructed a throne out of Xenomorph trophies. Here is a list of all known references of the Predator king, including some great fan art.

Bad Blood Predators: List Of Crazed Dishonored Yautja

A Bad Blood Predator

The bad blood Predators are Yautja who have fallen out with their clans. They have usually committed some kind of crime like killing a fellow Predator, breaking the rules of the hunt or murdering innocents. Here is a list of notable bad blood Predators from the Predator lore, ranked by the amount of carnage they inflicted.

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