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Prometheus Forum: The Prometheus Fan Community

Prometheus Forum is a fan community dedicated to Ridley Scott's Prometheus series, including Alien Covenant and Prometheus 3. The original Prometheus Forum website started already before Prometheus was released back in 2012, featuring scoops and rumors about the movie. After the release of Alien: Covenant with the hopes of Prometheus 3 becoming smaller, the fan community sadly became inactive. In 2025, Prometheus Forum became a part of Alien vs. Predator Central, aiming to provide the ultimate Alien and Prometheus fan experience. An actual fan forum will be added in a later step. Further plans include adding a comments section to all articles, and becoming a fan-wiki with every page becoming editable for registered users. Below is a list of articles related to the Prometheus series.

Engineer Homeworld: The Space Jockey Origin Planet

A map with the Engineer homeworld in Prometheus

The Engineers are ancient extraterrestrials who are pivotal in the lore surrounding humanity’s origins and the Xenomorph species. By piecing together the clues from films and extended universe materials, we try to find out which planet is the Engineer homeworld and where it is located.

Offspring: The Romulus Xenomorph-Human-Engineer Hybrid

The Offspring crawling in Alien: Romulus

Alien: Romulus introduced a terrifying new creature to the Alien franchise: the Offspring, a hybrid born from the fusion of Xenomorph, human, and Engineer DNA. This article explores its origins, characteristics, abilities, and ultimate demise, as well as its connections to the broader Alien mythology.

Xenomorphs On Earth: History Of Alien Infestations

Xenomorphs from Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem

Xenomorphs reaching Earth was always Ellen Ripley's biggest fear. Little did she know, Aliens had already infested Earth many times during the long Alien timeline, both in the Alien vs. Predator movies and the Expanded Universe. Here is the list of such occasions.

Space Jockey Xenomorph: Alien Born From An Engineer

The Space Jockey Xenomorph from Aliens: Apocalypse

The Space Jockey Xenomorph is a giant and rare Alien type that is born from an Engineer, also known as a Space Jockey. This article covers all the individual Space Jockey Aliens featured in Alien lore, including the Deacon and the Titan Xenomorph.

Deacon: Origins And Fate Of The Prometheus Alien

The Deacon from Prometheus

The Deacon marks a significant stage in the mutations caused by the Black Goo Pathogen. First emerging from a Trilobite-infected Engineer on LV-223, the Deacon had unique characteristics somewhat similar to both the Xenomorphs and the Neomorphs.

Xenomorph Origins: Who Created The Xenomorphs?

The Xenomorph Mural from Prometheus

The Xenomorph Origins are shrouded in mystery but multiple explanations have emerged from both the Alien movies and the Expanded universe about the Alien's creation. In this exploration, we delve into different prominent theories surrounding the origins of the Xenomorphs.

Black Goo Pathogen Mutations: Effects On Lifeforms

The Pathogen Creature from Aliens: Fireteam

The mysterious Black Goo pathogen first seen in Prometheus reacts in unpredictable ways with different organisms, producing wild mutations and new creatures. Here is an overview of these different mutations, including a mutated Predator and even a mutated Android.

Xenomorph vs. Engineer Fights: History Of Extinction

An Engineer fights a Xenomorph Queen

As is the common theme in the franchise, the Xenomorphs can not be controlled and have become a hated enemy of the Engineers. Here is an overview of the different clashes between Xenomorphs and Engineers, some happening even thousands of years ago.

Space Jockey Ships: Every Engineer Derelict Craft Listed

A Derelict Ship once used by the Space Jockeys

The Space Jockeys fly around in gigantic ships, containing a deadly payload of bioweapons. These ships often crash, ready to be discovered by helpless explorers. While most of these ships look like a horse-shoe, some also come with more exotic designs.

Predator vs. Engineer: Yautja Fighting Space Jockeys

Predator vs. Engineer fighting

Predators hunting and fighting a Space Jockey is a rare event in the Alien vs. Predator franchise. It is a great honor and privilege for the Predators to claim a trophy of an Engineer as they are an elusive species but also extremely tough in combat. This is a list of all known Predator and Space Jockey encounters.

Space Jockey: Every Member Of The Engineer Species

The Original Space Jockey

The Space Jockeys are the mysterious pilot species first seen in the first Alien movie. Throughout the series, there have been many iterations of them, including the Engineers from Prometheus and the Mala'kak pilots from the Alien books and comics. Here is a list of the different individual Space Jockeys, ranked by their accomplishments.

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