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Alien Names Generator: Creating A Xenomorph Nickname

By | Published March 06, 2025

The Xenomorph species has several scientific names, including Xenomorph XX121, Linguafoeda Acheronsis, Internecivus Raptus, and Plagiarus Praepotens. These names stem from various sources, such as Weyland-Yutani research classifications, Latin-inspired descriptions, and fan interpretations. However, while these names attempt to categorize the Xenomorph as a species, they do little to describe individuals. Here is a working Alien names generator, that will create several Xeno nicknames you can use for your own purposes.

A Xenomorph inside a hive

Xenomorph Names

Unlike humans or some intelligent extraterrestrial species, Xenomorphs do not possess a formal system of names. Their hive-mind behavior, instinctual nature, and reliance on pheromones make verbal or visual identification unnecessary among their kind. Instead, individual Xenomorphs or specific mutations are often assigned nicknames by scientists, military personnel, the filmmakers, and fans—especially in cases where a particular alien stands out due to unique traits or behavior. Sometimes, a number is assigned to a Xenomorph, to designate its position in a batch. Often, the name describes the Xenomorph type, or its distinct appearance or behaviour. Press the button below to generate 10 random Alien names. The button can be re-clicked for a new list.

Famous Xenomorph Nicknames in Lore

Throughout the Alien franchise and its expanded universe, several Xenomorphs have been given distinct nicknames based on their characteristics, actions, or appearance. Some notable examples include:

  • The Dragon: The Xenomorph in Alien 3 earned this nickname due to its sleek, quadrupedal form and fiery demise in the leadworks of Fiorina 161.
  • Grid Alien: A notable Warrior Xenomorph in Alien vs. Predator (2004), recognized for the distinctive scar pattern on its head, caused by a Predator's net weapon.
  • Specimen Six: A special Xenomorph in Aliens vs. Predator (2010 video game), distinguished by its unique role in the story and eventual evolution into a Queen.
  • Number Seven: A hybrid "Alpha" Xenomorph from the Alien: Infiltrator book, who turned white after being exposed to the Black Goo Pathogen.
  • Stompy: The lone Xenomorph from Alien: Isolation who killed most of the residents of Sevastopol Station and stalked Amanda Ripley.

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