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Alien vs. Predator License Status: Is AvP Canon?

By | Published March 21, 2025

The question of whether Alien vs. Predator (AvP) is canon has been a topic of debate among fans of both franchises. The Alien and Predator series began as separate entities, but their crossover introduced a shared universe. While AvP has been widely popular in comics, games, and films, its place within the official continuity of either franchise remains unclear. Unlike Star Wars, there are no clear rules for the canonity of the films nor the Expanded Universe. Various statements from filmmakers, licensing changes, and differing timelines complicate the issue further.

A Brief History of Alien vs. Predator

The cover of Aliens vs. Predator SNES

The Alien vs. Predator concept originated in the 1989 with a Dark Horse comic series. The crossover was further popularized by the inclusion of a Xenomorph skull in Predator 2 (1990), hinting at a shared universe. This led to several more comic series and books, while the Alien vs. Predator SNES game from 1993 was the first AvP game. After a long development process, the first Alien vs. Predator film was released in 2004, directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. A sequel, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007), expanded on the crossover but received mixed reviews. While the AvP films exist at least within their own continuity, their connection to the mainline Alien and Predator series has been debated.

Statements by Paul W. S. Anderson

The poster of the first Alien vs. Predator movie from 2004

Paul W. S. Anderson, director of Alien vs. Predator, has made several statements about the film’s place in continuity. He has acknowledged that AvP was designed to respect both franchises while telling a new story. However, he also admitted that AvP takes creative liberties, such as introducing a different Xenomorph origin and Predator culture. Anderson also borrowed heavily from the first Alien vs. Predator comic series. Anderson has stated that he sees AvP as existing in its own timeline, separate from the core Alien and Predator films. This perspective suggests that while AvP shares elements from both franchises, it does not directly impact their main narratives.

Alien vs. Predator License Under Disney

The cover of Aliens vs. Predators: Ultimate Prey

The status of AvP canon became even more complicated when Disney acquired 20th Century Fox in 2019. Under Disney, the Alien and Predator franchises are being treated separately, with new films and TV series in development. The last AvP comic was Thicker Than Blood by Dark Horse, and Marvel has released no new Alien vs. Predator comics so far. However, they have focused on crossovers with other Marvel characters, like Predator vs. Wolverine and Aliens vs. Avengers. No new AvP games have been developed either since 2010, but Titan Books did release the Aliens vs. Predators: Ultimate Prey anthology book in 2022, with the blessing of Disney. Disney’s approach to franchise continuity suggests that AvP may remain part of an alternate timeline rather than an official part of either main series. In short, Disney considers the Alien, Predator, and AvP to be three separate licenses.

Start With Predator Comics

AvP Within the Alien Franchise

Sir Peter Weyland in Promethues as an old man

In the Alien timeline, AvP introduces inconsistencies that make it difficult to fit within established canon. The Alien films suggest that humans first encountered Xenomorphs in Alien (1979), but AvP establishes that Xenomorphs were present on Earth as early as 2000 BC. This contradicts later films like Prometheus (2012) and Alien: Covenant (2017), which offer different origins for the creatures. Furthermore, the origins of Peter Weyland and Charles Bishop Weyland are very similar, but don't match up very well. Additionally, Alien director Ridley Scott has largely ignored AvP in his films, indicating that he does not consider it part of the Alien continuity.

AvP Within the Predator Franchise

The Xenomorph tail spear from AvP in The Predator

The Predator series has a more flexible timeline, making it easier to include AvP. The crossover does not contradict major events in the Predator films, and some of the Predator sequels reference elements from AvP. For example, The Predator (2018) includes references to the first Alien vs. Predator movie, with the existence of Predator's tail spear in the Stargazer facility. However, Prey (2022), a prequel set in the 1700s, does not acknowledge AvP directly, but the Feral Predator uses some of the gear introduced in the AvP movies. While AvP aligns more easily with Predator, it is still not officially confirmed as canon, and the references can be considered to be "easter eggs".

Start With Predator Books

Future of AvP Canon

An epic scene of Aliens fighting Predators

The future of AvP remains uncertain. Disney’s new Alien and Predator projects do not reference AvP, suggesting that it is not part of their official continuity. However, AvP still exists as a popular crossover in comics, games, and merchandise. If future films choose to acknowledge the crossover, it could be reintegrated into canon. Until then, AvP appears to remain a standalone entity, separate from the core Alien and Predator franchises. Furthermore, with rumors about the Alien vs. Predator 3 movie on the horizon, it is entirely possible that this movie would ignore it's two predecessors and start on a clean slate. Preferably, it would be set in the future and include the fan-favorite Colonial Marines.


Whether AvP is canon depends on how one defines continuity. The films exist in their own timeline but conflict with the main Alien series. They align more closely with Predator but are not officially recognized as part of its continuity. With Disney’s acquisition of both franchises, AvP’s status remains in limbo. For now, it is best viewed as an alternate universe rather than a definitive part of either franchise’s canon. Furthermore, anyone can make up their own "head canon" and decide which is canon for themselves.

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