Super Predators: Every Member Of The Berserker Yautja
The Super Predators are an offshoot of the Yautja (similar to Hish-qu-Ten) that have darker skin and tend to be bigger and more aggressive. The Super Predator clan was first introduced in the movie Predators (2010) where three members of the group appeared: Tracker, Falconer and Berserker Predator (Mr. Black). Other members later appeared in video games, comic books, and as a few NECA figures. Here is an overview of all members of this special breed of Yautja.
Tracker Predator

Unfortunately, the three Super Predators from Predators never shared any screen time together. Of the hunter brothers, the Tracker Predator had the shortest lifespan. Tracker handled the Predator dogs and unleashed them on the Game Preserve Outcasts, attempting to flush them out. However, none of his dogs did much damage, and Tracker himself managed to kill only Noland. When attempting to take out Nikolai, the Russian Spetsnaz detonated multiple Claymore mines attached to his chest, killing himself and Tracker Predator in a single explosion.

Falconer Predator

Besides the cool-looking mask, the Falconer Predator did not have much going for him. He used a robotic spy-drone in the style of a falcon to find and study his prey, and was able to see the drone's view through his mask. Falconer had a memorable duel with Hanzo, a Yakuza assassin and one of the final survivors of the Game Preserve outcasts. This would be the final fight for both of them, as both combatants were mortally wounded. It is worth noting that Falconer had a much more bird-like appearance in the Predator movie-tie-in comic.
Berserker Predator (Mr. Black)

The Berserker Predator (aka Mr. Black) was the leader of the Super Predators and the most successful one of the three hunters, but that is not saying much. In the Predators prequel comic, he killed a few humans who were previously brought to the Game Preserve Planet. During Predators, his most notable human victim was Walter Stans, whose spine he ripped out in spectacular fashion. His biggest feat was defeating the Crucified Predator in melee combat, however, it can be said that the Classic Yautja was in a weakened state after being bound for a long time. Berserker was finally killed by Royce, who sliced off his hand and head.
LV-412 Berserker Predator

AvP: Evolution the mobile game is one of the few video games so far to include Super Predators (the Berserker mask shows up in Predator: Hunting Grounds). The main Predator in the game was a Berserker, and presumably the leader of the clan. The clan was similar to the Killer Predators, in the sense that they captured an Alien Queen and managed to control Xenomorphs. Like in the Predators movie, the Berserker fought and killed a captive Jungle Hunter Predator. He then battled hordes of Xenomorphs and was wounded by the Drone, the main playable Alien character. Berserker's kill streak ended when a facehugger subdued him and a Predalien chestburster erupted from his chest.
First Super Predator - Nightstorm Predator

NECA released the Nightstorm Predator figure part of their series 10 Predator line. Like several other NECA figures, he was inspired by Kenner toys released in the 90ties. NECA added a backstory that Nightstorm was an Yautja Elder who lived 4000 years ago and hunted in ancient Egypt. Supposedly, he was the first Predator who disapproved of the Yautja honor code and became the first Super Predator. Nightstorm Predator came with golden armor and a horned bio-mask, making him one of the most distinct and great-looking figures.

Scavage Predator

The Scavage Predator was a Super Predator half-breed that styled his weapons and armor after his distant ancestor - the Nightstorm Predator. Because of his hybrid roots, he was an outsider from a small village that preferred a nomadic lifestyle. However, he did not always hunt alone and sometimes joined forces with the Cracked Tusk Predator. Although his achievements are unknown, he did fight with honor, unlike some of the other Super Predators. Scavage was first released as a figure by Kenner 1993 and NECA redesigned him in the Series 13 Predator toy line.
Captive Predator

Although the Super Predators were introduced into the Predator lore later, the Captive Predator can retroactively be considered a Super Predator. Appearing in the Predator: Captive comic from 1998, this Yautja had an elongated head, darker skin and a face resembling the Super Predators. His right hand had been amputated and his left one was larger than normal. The Captive Predator was captured and held by humans in a biodome in a remote desert while being researched. He took revenge on his captors - slaughtered them in melee combat, and blew up the base in a self-destruct explosion after recovering his wrist computer.
Four-Armed Predator

The Four-Armed Predator was a mutant Yautja hybrid who was affiliated with the Super Predators and probably started out as a regular Super Predator. Somehow he had grown extra arms and gained even more strength than a regular Berserker Predator. He was dropped on the game Preserve Planet and targeted the same enemies that the Super Predator trio failed to kill. Possibly lacking a bit in intelligence which was compensated by brute force, he did not fare better than Tracker, Falconer, or Mr. Black. While Royce distracted him with melee combat, Isabella shot the Four-Armed Predator with a sniper rifle in the chest and neck, killing him. Although they possibly encountered even more Super Yautja on the planet, the two humans escaped, while Isabella returned to Earth, and Royce traveled to an unknown location.
The Last Hunt Super Predator

The Super Predator from Predator: The Last Hunt was even more formidable than Mr. Black. It set a trap for Theta, a fearless human Predator hunter with 31 confirmed kills, by using human stasis pods as bait near a crashed Predator ship. The Predators used these stasis pods to transport humans to "Stasis Farms," where they were unfrozen as needed for Game Preserve Hunts. Teaming up with other human survivors, including John Schaefer, Dutch's brother, Theta faced the Super Predator and its attack dogs. Though most of the humans were killed, Theta ultimately triumphed, decapitating the Super Predator in a brutal duel.
The Super Predators are a deadly offshoot of the Yautja species, known for their size, aggression, and deviation from traditional honor codes. These Yautja are often called the Super Predator Clan or Berserker Clan, though the subspecies may have spanned multiple clans over time. First introduced in Predators (2010), they possess darker skin and brutal hunting tactics, including the use of attack dogs. Members like Tracker, Falconer, and Berserker showcased their prowess on the Game Preserve Planet, but all ultimately perished. Expanding across comics, games, and action figures, these predators include iconic characters such as Nightstorm and the Scavage Predator.
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