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Yautja Language Translator: Generate Predator Symbols

By | Published September 23, 2019

The Predators can talk and do so in their own Yautja language, which is a combination of clicks and roars that is difficult for humans to understand. The language is written in symbols that are visible on the Predator's wrist gauntlet and their bio-mask displays. The Yautja numbers will count down on their wrist computers when a Predator self-destruct device is activated. The Predators are often able to understand English and can even mimic the voices of humans to distract their prey.

Predator using wrist gauntlet to generate Yautja symbols

Generating Yautja Symbols

The English to Yautja translator logic was first invented for Predator 3D DVD re-release as "Decryption Codes". It's most official use was in The Predator in the scene where the Upgrade Predator asks the Fugitive Predator where he placed the Predator Killer technology. The Aliens vs. Predator 2010 game used the same translation as well, it is possible that some Predator comics also have it. Here is a translator that transforms English letters into the Yautja alphabet. Try out some custom texts in the input box to see how it works.

Tell me where it is

Yautja Clicking Sounds

The Predators make a clicking sound because they click their mandibles together as a form of communication. The Yautja don't purr like felines on Earth, but the sound is somewhat similar. The sound is often heard in the background of Predator movies, bewildering the human prey, who might mistake it for some exotic animal. Lone Predators use it to make their enemies uneasy or they just cannot help themselves in the excitement of the hunt. The clicking is combined together with grunts, roars, and body language to complete their language. Behind the scenes, click languages are real languages used in African tribes where clicks function as normal consonants.

Yautja Roaring

Roaring is a more aggressive means of Predator communication. Often, the Yautja roar signals their frustration, anger, or dominance. The Predators roar by pressing their mandibles apart and the sound comes from their throats, similar to humans or wild animals, like lions. Although the Predators mostly want to remain stealthy, they will sometimes signal their presence by roaring and calling their prey to come to them. They might also roar in a high place, like a treetop or the roof of a building, so the sound travels the maximum distance. Often, a considerable amount of saliva will secrete from their mouths when roaring.

Yautja Body Language

The Yautja don't talk much, and a big part of their communication happens through body language. This makes it easier to communicate with other species, like humans. A Yautja might signal something with his hands, like an explosion (opening of a palm) or point at something. Also, a lot is expressed with their head-tilting (curiosity) and eye movement. The Aliens vs. Predator: War comic series described that the Yautja have their own body language nicknamed "Silent Hand", hinting at the heavy use of hands.

Yautja Numbers

The Yautja numbers are visible on their wrist gauntlets, along with any other possible symbols, including letters. The numbers are most likely being displayed in the case of the Predator self-destruct sequence. The gauntlet contains four separate "slots", with each showing a different symbol/number. These symbols then turn off one by one, and the self-destruct goes off when the last number goes dark. The Yautja language translator seen above is also able to translate numbers.

Yautja Dictionary

Throughout the years, several words and phrases have been muttered by the Yautja in various books and comics, offering a glimpse into their vocabulary. Predator fans have assembled them into a Yautja Dictionary, including their most commonly used terms. From weapons and armor to names and titles that define their roles and status within the clan, and even the intriguing swears and phrases that punctuate their speech, these phrases form the basis of the Yautja language. For example, the Predator wristblades are called Ki’cti-pa, while Xenomorphs are named Kainde Amedha, meaning "Hard Meat". However, as one might expect, they will be difficult to pronounce to a human.

Yautja Vocal Mimicry

The vocal mimicry is a feature of Predator equipment and most likely part of the bio-mask. Vocal mimicry is used to confuse and lure their prey to a specific location where it would be easier to dispatch them. The Predator can record and playback a short part of human speech and play it back exactly the same way later, even changing its direction. Predators might also understand parts of human speech as it has been shown they use phrases at appropriate places later, not just randomly. In some cases, vocal mimicry has also been used without a bio-mask, possibly being recorded from the mask, but played back from another part of the Predator gear.

Yautja Laughing

The Predators laugh because they want to mock their prey. However, they are not really laughing, but using the voice mimicry feature of their equipment to playback a human laughing, like what happened in the case of the Jungle Hunter using Billy's laugh to give a final message to Dutch Schaefer. The Yautja might still understand humor and the sarcastic undertone of the laugh, so they are not just randomly playing back a human sound. The laughing "effect" is made complete by their mocking body language and the movement of mandibles.

Understanding Humans

The Predators partly understand humans, especially the Elder Predators who have gone on many hunts on Earth. They are helped by their bio-masks, which in some advanced cases can actually translate human text and speech directly. The Upgrade Predator had a good interface with human language, but he did not use a bio-mask and had a built-in display in his eyes. The Predators can learn human phrases and play them back with either their voice mimicry software, or just utter them directly with their mouths. For example, the Greyback Predator from the end of Predator 2 said "Take it", which was possibly done with voice mimicry, but more likely said directly with his own mouth.


In conclusion, the Yautja language is a complex form of communication that utilizes a combination of clicks, roars, body language, and vocal mimicry. The Predators' ability to understand and even mimic human speech makes them even more formidable opponents. Their communication is not only used to coordinate hunts but also to intimidate their prey and express dominance. The Yautja language adds to the rich lore of the Predator franchise and demonstrates the intricacies of non-human communication. Overall, the Yautja language is a fascinating aspect of Predator culture that continues to captivate fans of the franchise. In relation to this topic, check out the Predator names generator as well.

Tag Categories: Yautja society, Predator Technology

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